Friday, 13 July 2018

Anticipating Change In The World

Life from infant to youth can be suitably comparable to the changing stages of Butterfly from egg. Egg – Caterpillar (Larva) – Chrysalis (Pupa) – Butterfly. The butterfly is neither the same as, nor totally different from the egg or caterpillar or chrysalis. Same way, with the passing of time, tremendous changes are evident in the lives of CYF members. Every year, we are growing wiser, healthier, more beautiful and more successful. Look at you!!!
(1) Statistical Report: Unnoticed Resources
(2) What if you are
- Deprived of Food and Shelter?
- Deprived of Health Care?
- Deprived of Proper Education?
- Deprived of Happiness?
(3) Why here with all the privileges?
- To be the Agents of Change
        - Or -
- To Bring Change in the World
Evolutionists believe that everything including human life exists by accident or chance.
Human body is made from stardust. It may sound fanciful, but almost every element found on Earth was created in the burning core of a star, all the stuff that makes up life on Earth. In the words of Carl Sagan, “The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.”
I believe in serendipity. Things don’t just happen. We are not here with all the privileges by accident. We are planned. There is no other person in the world quite like you, there never has been and there will never be. It’s because God has a purpose in each one of our lives. God in His Divine purpose has place us where we are today. Every single human being in this Church this evening is here for a right reason – We are here to bring change in the world. Langol may not be the best place, Langol Christian Church may not be the best Church and Christian Youth Fellowship may not be the best youth organisation but, for those of you who have the desire to bring change in the Church, society or the world, undoubtedly, I can tell you that you are in the right place.
(4) What do we do? (Three Profitable Modes of Life – 1 Thess. 4: 11)
(a) Lead a Quiet Life (Guard against a Spirit of Restlessness)
- Peaceful Life (Love the Lord, your God)
- Learn to Listen
- Have Patience or Control over Body
There may be an unsettlement of mind on account of the things of secret and secular but, even at that point in time we are required to hold our peace. How silent is the work of God in nature! Silently the forest grows. So let our work be done.
(b) Mind your own Business (Guard against a Meddling Spirit)
- Know Yourself
- Please Keep to Time (Be Punctual)
- Dream the World you wish to live in
- Onward the “Ever Fixed Mark”
Love naturally inclines us to look not on our own things, but also on the things of others but it must not prompt either to the neglect of our own business or to undue interference with that of others. We must not be busybodies in other men’s matters.
(c) Work with your Hands (Guard against Idleness)
- Be Diligent, Enthusiastic & Courageous
- The Means must justify the End
- Never Live at the Expense of Others
- Relish in the Work
Manual labour is honourable. Any work done with a good purpose is honourable and beautiful. Let’s not despise labour; it was the lot of the Lord Jesus. The work of the carpenter is often more honourable than that of the financier.
(5) The Consequences
(a) Win the Respect of Others
(b) Self-Sufficient/ Not Dependent on Anybody
(c) Dreams come true – A Changed Person
It’s quite like climbing up the mountain. There are so many hardships on the way to achieve the goal, but when you reach mountain top, you can see that there is NOTHING up there. What you can see is that you are a changed person and can be a responsibled agent to bring change in the life of others.
One of the songs of Michael Jackson runs thus, “If you want to bring change in the world, start with the MAN IN THE MIRROR.” Who is the man in the mirror? You may say that the world is too big and complicated for just you and me to change. Don’t worry! The world will change in its own accord. First, you change yourself and the world will automatically change itself.
We are the hope of our society and the pillar of the nation. The answer to many of the problems of the world are within us and nowhere else.
We are the source of our parents’ strength, hope and inspiration. Today, let’s take home that strength, hope and inspiration with us and use them to change one thought, one opinion and one life.

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